Watch This Drag Racer Humiliate Himself By Dropping The Clutch In Reverse

Drag racing can be a pretty stressful experience. The crowds have gathered and you're about to give your pride and joy a caning in the hope of world recognition and fame. That can be a heavy burden on the mind, and sometimes distractions result in acts of stupidity.

Unfortunately for this driver in South Africa, that act of stupidity came at the worst possible moment. Successfully completing a burnout, the driver reverses back into position. The lights begin their count down but the crowd can see what's about to happen - they've spotted his mistake - but it's too late to do anything about it.

The lights go green and our plucky pickup drops the clutch with glory in his sights. The wheels break traction and suddenly success seems to be an ever more distant point on the horizon. As he realises his mistake, the crowd's hysterical reaction seals his humiliation at his pathetic attempt. Hopefully he carried on driving at the end of the runway, never to show his face at a race track again.
Thanks to Ian McLaren!
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