Watch The Hilarious Runaway Stunt Bike Fail That Keeps On Giving
When a stunt biker misjudges a seat jump, he falls off. As the bike continues on its merry way, another biker fails to push the bike over and instead gets knocked on his ass. Then comes the icing on the cake...
As stunts go, I give this a solid 10/10!
ICEY how this could have gone wrong….
A GIF on steroids.
HAHA best part where the second rider floors his face aswell :D
Ghost Rider 2 leaked scene
I saw GR 2 and that wasn’t in it?
loser can’t even get his bike under control… …
If only they had this knight in shinning armour to save the day
That truck took the Hit like a champ.
Just another day at work for the truck