Watch This Mom Drive A Lamborghini Countach In The Most 80s Home Movie Of All Time
We remember the 1980s for bright coloured clothing, perms, electro music and the Lamborghini Countach. Amazingly this home film has them all. Also props to the Mom who was brave enough to drive an extremely tricky supercar!
“Can I try?”
And to this day that kid regrets not asking a 2nd time…
this is so amazing!
Dat mk3 supra tho!
Tai Lopez’s family circa 1987.
The sarcasm of 80s children. Love it lol
By the way except these Video noise the microphone sound wasn’t that different from todays cameras in smartphones don’t you think? :D
MINT Mk. 3 Supra at 4:50!
am i the only one who never liked the look of the countach? the diablo and muira have always looked 10 times better to me