Watch This Rich Kid Jump A Porsche Turbo On His Own Driveway Track

An inevitability when you're driving a 500bhp Porsche on private roads...
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"Living the dream". A phrase we normally reserve for such fortunate individuals as Leonardo DiCaprio, Harry Styles, and more recently, the owner of this rally-spec Ferrari Enzo.

But there's a new kid on the block who we think takes the proverbial biscuit, eats it, and proceeds to dump all over the Forbes 100 competition. His name is John Bailey Jones and he's the American owner of a 997.2 Porsche 911 Turbo equipped with PDK gearbox. He's also the owner of the best driveway we've ever seen - a racetrack of sorts - featuring tight hairpins, tree-lined straights and a nice little jump. Which can only mean one thing...

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