Watch The Shocking Moment Morons Push A Car Down A Metro Staircase While It Was Still Open
To 'celebrate' 2016, this group of reckless kids pushed a car down the staircase of a Metro station in Brussels while it was still open to the public (you can see people on the escalator on the right). Amazingly, nobody was killed or injured!
This is the aftermath of the stupid prank…
It was a microcar, so it only bothers me from peoples’ safety perspective.
Welcome to Belgium…
At first I thought it was a Suzuki wagon r
You’re really witty
As a Belgian, i, er….
its a prank bro
Only in Belgium!
Well that escaleted quickly! 😂
Inbetweeners car?
Lined up and shot in front of their family seems fitting. Miracle no one was killed