Watch Some Scumbag Hammer A Porsche Cayman GT4's Window To Death For No Good Reason
This mindless idiot leans out of a car to smash the window of a Cayman GT4, for no reason other than to keep himself amused
If you’re wondering what ‘Straathyenas’ is, a few searches seems to reveal it’s a couple of bored douchebag thugs from the Netherlands who amuse themselves with the mindless destruction of other people’s property. Oh, and they’re also stupid enough film it all and post it online, which hopefully will make catching them a little easier….
Now dislok has to make a lock for windows
What kind of Windows? XP? Vista? Windows 7? Windows 8? Windows 10?
Sadly, the only protection against people like this is to keep your property out of their reach. Of course, with a car or house this is not so easy.
At least they saw he has a Disklok and didn’t try to steal the car :)
Or bring something like a hammer around with you..
I’ll bet Shmee’s glad he doesn’t live in the Netherlands!
Hope they get their face smashed with the same hammer -.-
Why can’t people appreciate other peoples property, annoying af
Because their minds hasn’t evolved since they were 5YO: “if I can’t have you can’t have it”…
I’m f**king pissed, I hope they get shot and burned alive. Yes i’m cruel, they deserve what they do.
I had my bike stolen earlier this week
First Jon’s RS6, now this… I’m ashamed to be dutch…
Het zijn gewoon een stelletje mogolen
Hope the insurer paid for all the expenses and that this guys were tracked down from the video and had their faces smashed with that hammer
I hate Dutch people even though I live in the Netherlands myself
Goh, ben ik niet de enige die er zo over denkt
the car was parked wrong,if you want you can track them on instagram but they’re just stupid people
but do not think that all the Dutch are so
Went to watch some of ther videos right now. I wont tell how I want to kill them since I would probably get banned. I don’t hate any people more than this.
I did the same thing … I never thought people could be that “dumb” and “disrespectful” towards someone property (tbh dumb and disrespectful are to weak to express how much they should be kicked in the balls)
this goes beyond “young and stupid” and crosses into “deliberate”, these people are criminals and apparantly has 80,1K followers on instagram (looked up the name)