Watch The Terrifying Moment An Articulated Bus Split In Two

A 'bendy bus' in Brazil was filming splitting in two last week
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Enjoy standing on that weird spinning disc found in the middle of articulated ‘bendy’ buses? Here’s something that might put you off riding on that particular part of the vehicle.

This shocking footage was filmed on an articulated bus last week in Santa Catarina state, Brazil, showing the dramatic moment it split in two. “I realized that the bus had a problem and may be about to deteriorate, so I filmed the journey until the moment that the bus separated,” the person who submitted the video is quoted as saying. Why she didn’t think to shout at the driver to pull the hell over at that point, we’re not sure.

Thankfully, the bus was fairly empty, and it looks like the passengers on board escaped unscathed.

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Otavio Hurtado

Here in Brazil most busses run pretty much in a rotten state our suspensions bars are welded most busses have the check engine light on most are with old tires. It is not the drivers fault but they’re driving a trap over wheels. Sorry for my poor english

07/14/2017 - 17:00 |
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Otavio, we have slick tires in buses! The managers of these companies must be real gearheads… /s

07/14/2017 - 23:51 |
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Aaron 15


07/14/2017 - 17:07 |
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The Volvo Guy (Ikea Meatballs)

I’d say that’s too bendy.

07/14/2017 - 17:09 |
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I hate to be ‘that guy’ but surely the headline should say ‘Filmed’ not ‘filming’

07/14/2017 - 17:28 |
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Soni Redx (MD Squad Leader) (Subie Squad Leader)

Geez, the easy way of killing people and annoying BMW and Audi Drivers.

07/14/2017 - 19:06 |
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This is what happens when you try to hold a bus together with nothing but rubber.

07/14/2017 - 21:33 |
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Don’t know whether you’re joking or not, but just in case: It’s not held together by just rubber. There’s a “tow hitch” that attaches the two parts. It’s a very tough part. The connecting bit has to be strong since most of these buses are RWD and the back part pushes the front.

07/15/2017 - 06:33 |
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As a bus mechanic i can tell you that this could have easily been avoided. Having a bus break apart is like having a driver seat break through the floor of a car. Even the passengers noticed that there was something wrong and started filming…

07/15/2017 - 00:38 |
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Stefan 9

I once seen a bus in germany on the highway who lost a back wheel while going 100 kph. I wonder how that felt….

07/15/2017 - 04:48 |
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BMW E30 M3

Tears apart at 0:23

07/15/2017 - 06:10 |
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Diego Augusto Thurow

Hum, so, my State (Santa Catarina) is becoming famous. 😂😂

07/15/2017 - 13:13 |
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