Watch A Wasted Girl Stop On The Highway And Casually Wander Across The Road

It's incredible no one is hurt in this footage, after a drunk girl stopped in the middle of the highway and started walking across the lanes. There are a few close calls but thankfully no one hits the unlit and stationary Scion or the people who stopped to 'help'
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There are a few notes to take from this shocking footage. First of all, just how drunk do you have to be to think it’s okay to sit stationary on the highway? Apparently she stalled, so you’d have to be pretty damn drunk to not figure out simply turning the key would fix the issue. She then stumbles in and out of the live highway lanes, before getting back in her stricken vehicle. The disgusted look on her face when the news reporter was screaming at her to get out of the car shows just how spaced out she was. It’s shocking she made it as far as she did.

Edit: As Bullit points out in the comments, it looks like she’s actually ‘taking a leak’ beside the car, which makes this an even more ridiculous situation.

Now I’m reluctant to pick on people who stop and try to help, but when you’re not really helping you can make the situation worse. First off, why is no one trying to stop her from walking into traffic or back to her car? I get that the TV camera man’s natural instinct is to sit back and record a situation without interfering, so you can make your own moral judgements about that, but the taxi driver and motorcyclist could easily have grabbed her and pulled her onto the grass verge.

Then there’s the guy who stands in traffic. Really? You’re wearing dark clothes in an unlit section of road and you think it’s a good idea to stand in the middle of the road to help avoid an accident happening? He has to run out of the way after one car hits the brakes upon seeing him and another is forced to take avoiding action. Nice that you want to help, but seriously, stay at the side of the road, it’s better for everyone.

And finally, to the chap with the flashing light: you couldn’t have picked anything worse to get people’s attention. The flashing light at night will literally blind people while it’s in their face, and their eyes will take time to readjust after you’ve moved it. You’re only making it harder for people to see the stranded car.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment in situations like this, but it’s important to take a step back and use common sense.

Source: CarScoops

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