Watching This Van Driver Refuse To Let An Ambulance Past Is Stupidly Frustrating
Despite having an ambulance with its lights flashing and siren blaring right behind, the driver of this van simply won't move over, forcing the paramedics to undertake him
While this video - filmed somewhere in the UK - is immensely frustrating to watch, we’ve seen worse. Last year, we saw an idiotic BMW driver actually pull over an ambulance on a motorway, for no apparent reason.
Video via Sun Motors
I’d classify this as attempted murder. Idiot.. ..
This isn’t everyday stupid. It’s advanced stupid
probably another moron with headphones in while driving
I hate it when fans get in my way
Dat typo tho.
What a monumental tool.
BTW, how do you drive a fan?
We should ban fans from the road. Clearly fan drivers are a menace to society.
Well i expect more from the video
can you be charged for something like this?
plus i would have loved to see what happened after they stopped the video.
Waiting for LennyTheGeeza to comment “That’s not a vaaaaan!”
Is Lenny on CT at all?
I know what ambulance could get past that van…
Jeremy was a genius!
They turned off the camera because shortly after, the van driver ended up in a different ambulance for reasons completely unrelated to his incredible idiocy.