This Is What Happens When A Douchebag Tailgater Meets A Cretinous Brake Checker
Two stupid drivers - one in an SUV and another in a 4x4 - meet on the highway. What happens next is more predictable than an MX-5 hairdresser joke, but still extremely shocking to watch!
As seen on Jalopnik.
So one cretin was impeding traffic and the other was tailgating. Just what i expect on American highways.
what happened to leaving your left blinkers on or flashing you lights
Yup. That’s how people drive here. Driving slow in the left lane, brake checking you. It’s a stupid sense of entitlement. Every time I visit my family in Europe, I almost forget how much more organized it is.
Not gonna lie, he deserved it.
I always tap my brake lights with my left foot, that usually seems to get the job done without a crash.
deserved ? u kidding? another… stupid brake checker.
he was going slow on the max left line. and the guy was coming way faster but.. he stil stay on his line.. because he is stupid moron king of the road. move right if u go slow!
How so? Shouldn’t be hogging the left lane. If someone is behind you, move out of the damn way
You’re an idiot.
“More predictable than an MX-5 hairdresser joke” Truer words have never been spoken…
Gary? Is that You? Since when this is Roast My Car community? :D
I’m surprised that it wasn’t an Audi
I’m surprised that it wasn’t a BMW
i’m surprised that it wasnt an early 2000’s camaro
Audi’s and beemers would have spun out like that, so would be as good for video.
For sure his Audi was in the Shop due to a check engine light or something.
I can’t believe it’s not butter!
I mean the law says that you need a certain distance between cars while on the road. It is not the front car’s fault for braking. It’s the car that is tailgating that was stupid enough to be that close. What if an animal jumped out from the side? what is the car behind gonna do when the certain emergency situation like that happened?
Normally yes, but it was obviously intentional. He could have changed lane to get rid of him, accelerate or do anything else…
Actually it is equal fault they were both breaking the law one was impeding traffic and the other was tailgating both ticketable offences. The the car in front left the scene of an accident.
Conclusion both shouldn’t be on the road and should take a train
The chevy wasn’t as close as he could have been. Also, I think he completely over reacted to the situation. All the ford had to do was move over for a 10 seconds and let the person by to avoid an accident or road rage.
Rear car tailgating, that is one offense.
Front car was impeding traffic flow, brake checked(assault), and then left scene of accident.
That is three offenses and possible grounds for license suspension.
Agree with you! It’s called safety distance! It’s learned in the driving school too.
Brakes : Check ✓
Hahaha LOL!
alex thats not a jeep…..
You’re quite right!
4x4s are usually called “Jeeps” in the UK regardless of brand.
I’m too afraid to ask but, if i was in the chevy suv and lost control of it, how i counter steer it? let go of the wheel and then if the wheels are facing the right way, then hold the wheel to straighten the car again?
If in doubt, flat out ;)
If it’s AWD, point where you want to go and accelerate. Same with FWD. If it’s RWD, point where you want to go, and don’t use either pedal.
Point thw wheel in the direction you want to go in if you are backwards point them straight and brake hopefully you wont hit anything
Never let go of the wheel. That super smooth self steer thing you see drifters do is from caster and kingpin inclination angle, scrub radius, etc. A regular car will do it, but usually pull towards center.
Counter steer is really tricky. If you want to learn it, doughnuts or a skidpad are probably the only good ways. Just remember less is more. When the back does swing out you want to turn the wheel with it as it swings, don’t just snap the wheel. If you aren’t smooth with throttle and steering inputs the car will usually snap harder when it transitions the other direction. I’ve just about spun my car in the rain because I slipped out, jerked the wheel and lifted off the throttle. But when it happened to me on the freeway (terrifying, do not recommend it) I managed to feather the throttle and steer into it with my fingertips. Very light inputs and very little angle, but it was the difference between leaving a ramp backwards at 60 and maintaining control through the bend.
The rain is a somewhat forgiving but very tricky teacher. Low speeds, but you really have to listen to the car and slow your inputs
how do you spin out like that from getting brake checked? some people in america should not be allowed to have a license
He swerved as he breaked. Presumably that car didn’t have esp and is American so happens. He should have floored it to try and stop the tank slapper
Maybe he was about to hit his rear end and so he steered to the left? Poor move in any case :/
swerved left, hit gravel, grip level changed and unbalanced the car due to steering input, terrible catch of a completely sortable slide… then it was just fishtailing and a spin… I’m guessing they weren’t paying attention (while following that close I know, man) and got a fright… in short, what a muppet.
the guy who brake checked should not be allowed to have a license. broke at least 2 laws here, one of which is assault
Bad/ sticky caliper is my guess. verrrryyyy dangerous.
That was oddly satisfying to watch. Mainly because I always have people tailgating me
Do you love out if their way, or do you forget that the left lane is the passing lane?