This Is What Happens When A Douchebag Tailgater Meets A Cretinous Brake Checker

Two stupid drivers - one in an SUV and another in a 4x4 - meet on the highway. What happens next is more predictable than an MX-5 hairdresser joke, but still extremely shocking to watch!
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As seen on Jalopnik.

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the reality is that the left lane is for passing, so if someone in the left lane even has to press on the brakes because you are in the way, you are misusing the lane. the left lane is for people with a purpose in life with places to be and people to see, if you are clogging the left lane you should be in the right with the grandmas, truck drivers and day dreamers. 120/130km/h is the unspoken left land rule, if you’re going 105 and the person beside you is going 100, who is really the douche bag? however, if you tailgate going faster than the unspoken law, then yes, you are a douchebag. the laws and respect of the road are a complicated thing, but a good portion of people in north america drive cluelessly thinking about what they are going to jerk off too later.

03/12/2016 - 21:38 |
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bwahahha… well deserved, instant karma.

03/13/2016 - 00:15 |
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Dude got what he deserved, should’ve just waited an extra 1 second for the right lane to clear and passed there. Obviously he was already going plenty fast to passing on the right lane which is illegal doesn’t really matter at that point does it.

03/13/2016 - 00:24 |
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I’ve found a new method of dealing with tailgaters, I just give a good yank on the e brake and a bunch of white smoke covers their car momentarily, they try to stay away after that

03/13/2016 - 04:05 |
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Till Claussen

That BMW at the end didnt blink:D
Okay it was a BMW:D

03/13/2016 - 15:17 |
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Much safer way: decide to wash your windscreen. Most people take the hint.

03/15/2016 - 08:28 |
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Almoust 500 upvotes

03/20/2016 - 18:02 |
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Dump and Dumper 3

09/16/2016 - 00:10 |
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I dont even understand why he was being tailgated in the first place. There was a person merging and he was travelling faster than the other lane.
Whats he going to do? Change lanes and crash into the merging car?

09/16/2016 - 00:24 |
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he deserved it .. like… a lot !!!

09/16/2016 - 00:33 |
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