This Is What Happens When You Follow Too Closely On A Cruise

This massive multi-car pile up occurred during an organised cruise between Houston and Galveston in Texas, and you have no choice but to blame the drivers for following too closely

We all love a good car meet, but unfortunately they can go very wrong and contribute to the bad name our hobby gets labelled with. Here’s a perfect example of this in action: a multi-car collision involving numerous modified trucks. The only conclusion to draw here is that they were following too closely and couldn’t stop in time.

When you’re travelling in packs remember to leave a safe distance between you and others, and be extra alert. It’s easy to get distracted in the fun of the moment, and that’s when accidents happen. Travelling close together might look good in a photo, but you’re still on the open road and things can go wrong. Stay safe and don’t wreck your rides, people!

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