This Is What Happens When You Put Yourself In A Trucker's Blind Spot

In this short video there's a reminder of why it's a bad idea to place your car in a trucker's blind spot. The crash is as incomprehensible as it is avoidable
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When a Toyota Yaris decides to plonk itself directly in the way of a lorry at a busy junction, right in the driver’s blind spot, there’s only one outcome to expect: smashed glass and twisted metal.

There’s a lot of debate around on the Internet about who’s to blame for this, but we think it’s pretty clear-cut. The Yaris drives down the left-hand side of the lorry, whose driver had left space to allow his trailer to make the turn without hitting the inside kerb. When you’re driving one of those, going wider into the turn and straightening up sooner makes it easier to get on the gas and get up to speed. The Yaris driver simply isn’t using their brain and places their car right where the trucker can’t see it.

This Is What Happens When You Put Yourself In A Trucker's Blind Spot

Then, after undertaking the lorry, the idiot Yaris driver doesn’t even pull away when the road is clear and the lorry starts to go. The car just sits there until it’s crunched by the side of the truck and dragged a short distance down the road. What on earth were they thinking? It’s a total facepalm moment.

It’s fair to say that the lorry driver could have seen the Yaris if he’d been looking in that direction as the car appeared ahead of him, but naturally he would have been looking over his right shoulder towards the oncoming traffic. It’s also fair to say that the huge blind spots truckers have to deal with are a major problem. They shouldn’t really be negotiating traffic when they can’t see half of the road around them, but technology is beginning to fix that. As for hopeless supermini drivers… well, good luck fixing them.

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A normal car driver doesnt know how to drive a truck and it wasnt necessary for the truck to drive this line. From what we can see through the camera, there was more than enough space to stand closer to the curb. The Yaris wasnt even in a blindspot, the truckdriver simply didnt look. You cant just open another lane and expect people to stop using the real lanes.

05/11/2017 - 20:32 |
4 | 12

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You dont need to know how to drive a truck to have some common sense.
How are two vehicles supposed to merge at the same time?
And the blind spots in trucks are massive, its easy to miss a small car or bike if you arent paying constant attention.

05/12/2017 - 10:36 |
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I’m quite sure the Yaris might’ve come out of that crash with some more positive camber than it had before

05/12/2017 - 01:48 |
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Its not 2 lanes. Why would do this…

05/12/2017 - 02:39 |
8 | 0

Just a small correction on the title of the article… This Is What Happens When You Put Yourself In a blind Truckers Line of Sight

05/12/2017 - 09:57 |
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he pulled far enough in front of the truck to be seen… just sayin

05/15/2017 - 03:55 |
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Soni Redx (MD Squad Leader) (Subie Squad Leader)


06/11/2017 - 02:56 |
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