What It's Like Owning A Four-Rotor Mazda RX-7 (Hint: It's Epic)
This four-rotor RX-7 owner explains what life is like with one of the best sounding cars you have ever heard...This is the dream!
Don’t forget, CT friend Rob Dahm is building his very own four-rotor AWD RX-7. If this is anything to go by, it’ll be epic too!
Nissan 420sx
Qian Li
Szymek S
Artur ‘The Haferkeks’ Kempf
You guys jnterested in some trucks?
Sounds kinda like a F1 car :D
Its the brapmobile
Sounds like a sportbike
This really is the LeMans experience however … I like to have the C5.R experience as well.
Lol Dogboxes are freaking awesome!
When the captions say exactly what you’re thinking…
braap, braaaaaaap, BRAAAAAAPP