What's the best ever driving song?
Since we now have a Driving Music community, I want to get your take on an age-old question: what’s the best driving song ever written?
Since we now have a Driving Music community, I want to get your take on an age-old question: what’s the best driving song ever written?
It´s like…you can even hear it when your girlfriend is riding shotgun cause its “romantic” xD
The Naked and Famous - Young Blood
This song is just unreal, the synth line is one of the best I’ve ever heard.
Maximum tune anyone?
Ecstasy by ATB
One of my favorite backroad cruising songs.
Derrick May- Strings of Life. Can also be heard on the video game, Midnight Club.
I have a whole playlist for night driving here. I update every month so be sure to check back.
A song I don’t have on there because it is not on SC but it’s still good: Fall - Oxia Remix
Seapony - Where We Go
Youthfully melancholic indie/surf pop, sad to see the band come to an end.
Every song Moog ever made.
Whenever I’m doing a long drive to anywhere, I have to start the drive with Rascal Flatt’s version of “Life is a Highway” from the Cars movie: