What's The Difference Between BHP, HP, PS and kW?

Ever wondered why there are so many different ways to measure the power of a car? We explain each of them
Audi RS6 GT, engine
Audi RS6 GT, engine

If you’ve ever spent any time reading car reviews, checking through brochures, watching Top Gear, playing Gran Turismo… or really doing anything with cars, you know there are several different ways of measuring a car’s power.

Usually, these are one of four – bhp, hp, kW or ps. None of them is a wrong way to measure a car’s power, instead, the one you’ll see will usually simply come down to either a country of origin, a style guide of a publication or the type of powertrain a car uses.

Ever wondered what the difference between them is? We’ve broken down each measurement.

Brake horsepower (bhp) and horsepower (hp)

What's The Difference Between BHP, HP, PS and kW?

Brake horsepower is the standard way of measuring a car’s performance for those of us in the UK. It’s a measurement of the car’s power at the flywheel,  which means it takes into account frictional losses from within the engine.

Slightly confusingly though, it’s common to hear bhp referred to commonly as ‘horsepower’ but when measured as hp, the two are slightly different. Brake horsepower refers to the equipment needed to test the engines for their power outputs, with a large drum with a water brake within it measuring the braking force once the engine is spinning at a desired rate.

Whereas as is commonplace in the US, this is measured with only some ancillary components attached to the powertrain, missing things like the power steering pump which means fewer parasitic losses. Therefore higher ‘hp’ figures are calculated in the US than the ‘bhp’ figures calculated in the UK where every component is kept in place. The conversion is roughly around 1.01, which seems minute, but leads to a noticeable change in a quoted output when dealing with three-figure numbers.

In case you’ve ever wondered, the name originates from James Watt, the man credited with making the steam engine viable. As the story goes, horsepower was invented as an arbitrary way of marketing his power units, with the figure deemed equivalent to a horse moving 33,000 pounds of mass one foot in one minute.

Pferdestärke (PS)

BMW M2, engine
BMW M2, engine

Pretty much every European car manufacturer defaults to using PS as a quoted power figure. This one is pretty easy to explain, literally translating from German as ‘Horse strength’. Yep, it’s just a metric way of quoting hp, in effect.

The official engineering standard for metric horsepower is the amount of power needed to lift 75kg of mass one metre vertically in one second, which – once the conversions from imperial to metric are applied – equates to a 1.4 per cent higher figure than the old imperial units.
Oh, and if you’re an Italian manufacturer, you’ll probably quote CV (A French term, chevaux-vapeur) for… reasons. This is an exact equivalent to PS.

Kilowatts (kW)

Pretty much every form of engineering outside of internal combustion engines will use kilowatts as a standard measurement of power. You can blame James Watt for making us car people the weird outliers.

Watts is an SI unit (International System) which is a way of saying it’s an official metric system – and if you missed out on secondary school science classes, 1kW = 1,000W. It is a measurement of energy transfer over time, which is the exact job that an internal combustion engine undertakes, and it’s measured by the equation pictured below.

What's The Difference Between BHP, HP, PS and kW?

In the case of internal combustion, you’d only really see kW quoted in Australia and New Zealand. However, with electric cars, it’s pretty much become the norm quoted by manufacturers and it’s only really us stubborn car journalists that seem hellbent on converting it back to horsepower.

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Mini Madness (Group B squad)(Furrysquad)

KW then you can compare apples to apples,
rather than apples to grapes, or cider to wine.

10/01/2016 - 09:19 |
54 | 2

What’s the conversion equation for apples to grapes?

Also, quit your wine-ing…

10/01/2016 - 10:08 |
62 | 0

You can compare cider to wine though.

10/01/2016 - 12:25 |
0 | 0

How about apples to pineapples? Or apples to pen

10/01/2016 - 15:02 |
16 | 0

When I was a kid, I used to believe that in order to measure how much horsepower a car has, they would set up a tug of war (the car had to pull a rope against a certain number of horses). So HP was the maximum number of horses the car could win against…

10/01/2016 - 09:42 |
634 | 0

That….that’s amazing

10/01/2016 - 09:53 |
218 | 0

Same here :D but i always wondered how they connected 1000 horses to a bugatti 😂

10/01/2016 - 10:03 |
116 | 2

Technically you are not wrong… (as i understand it)

10/01/2016 - 15:58 |
8 | 2


10/01/2016 - 17:22 |
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Dat muscle guy (Sam Stone)(Camaro Squad)(Die augen leader)(E

In reply to by DL🏁

I thought the same but wih donkeys instead of horses

10/01/2016 - 18:23 |
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Zizhang Cheng

The RPM is top RPM you can drive or?

10/01/2016 - 09:50 |
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It’s the rpm you get while getting peak torque in a specific gear

10/01/2016 - 11:10 |
2 | 0

Since you have different power and torque at different RPM the power you have at a specific RPM is related to the torque at that RPM

10/01/2016 - 13:38 |
2 | 0

The equation is actually applied continuously throughout the rev range of the engine, that’s where we get horsepower/torque or kW/torque curves. Engine power is usually described as, for example, “305 hp @ 5400 RPM and 295 ft-lb @ 3200 RPM” meaning the point where each curve is highest.

10/01/2016 - 14:46 |
8 | 0
JenstheGTIfreak (pizza)

I use PS

10/01/2016 - 10:53 |
10 | 2

Actually the Germans ignore that small difference between PS and HP, in university (in Germany of course) many teachers just said Horsepower (HP) translated to German is Pferdstärke (PS), that’s it.

10/02/2016 - 20:44 |
6 | 0
Joshua Desson

Alex’s M3 is measured in none of those. It is measured on the lemon scale

10/01/2016 - 11:58 |
76 | 0

That was savage !

10/01/2016 - 16:08 |
6 | 2

I don’t get the lemon joke..

10/04/2016 - 11:20 |
2 | 0

Why don’t we talk torque? All these measurements start with torque and torque is what really makes a difference when you are driving

10/01/2016 - 12:25 |
8 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Well, that’s what a lot of people like to say, but that’s not exactly complete truth…
After all, it is the power which makes the car faster, not torque (I can feel some hate incoming, but wait)

Yes, it is the torque which results in power, which makes it a very important characteristic, but if we completely ignore the power figure then we will make things even more confusing:
For example, lets look at mk7 Golf GTD and mk7 Golf GTI. Both are identical cars, but the former has 184PS and 380Nm and the latter has 220PS and 350Nm. If we were to ignore the power, we’d think that the GTD is a faster car, but in fact the less torquey and more powerful GTI is about a second faster 0-100kmh.
So if we want it to be clear which car is faster, we need to be looking at maximum power, not the torque.

Of course, torque is still very important, and the more torque there is the more usable the power is as you don’t have to rev the engine as much to access the power. So ideally, we should be looking at two things: maximum power and the torque curve. You don’t really care what the maximum torque is, its more important that you have the torque from low revs. Also, it would be great if we could universally use kW and Nm…

10/01/2016 - 13:10 |
26 | 0
Emil Eklundh

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Torque is power yes.
Kw hp and ps are measurements of power. It tells us how much work something can do.
“My car has 100nm” doesn’t tell you very much. It just means the engine can produce a force of rotation at 100nm. And watts or kilowatts tells us how much work the engine is capable of off.

04/21/2021 - 09:24 |
0 | 0

1mW = 1341 hp not 1kW

10/01/2016 - 12:37 |
2 | 4

*MW. M=mega, m=milli, very big difference (9 orders of magnitude specifically)

10/01/2016 - 13:42 |
30 | 0
Zizhang Cheng


10/01/2016 - 12:56 |
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MikeTheMiata (MiataSquad) (MarinerSquad)

WHAT IS “BHP”!!!!????

10/01/2016 - 13:10 |
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It’s gross HP. The power of the engine, without losses caused by drivetrain

10/01/2016 - 16:03 |
10 | 0

I still dont understand. Why? MATH!

10/01/2016 - 13:19 |
2 | 0

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