What's Your Funniest Car Joke?

Fancy yourself as the next Frankie Boyle? Try making us LOL with your best car gags

The internet is full of smartasses and keyboard warriors all looking for an ego boost by making witty comments. Hell, I'm one of them. But there's nothing like a perfect one-liner or short quip to get the retweets flowing and to cement your position as the new Jimmy Carr.

We want to hear your best car jokes, your funniest car jokes or perhaps even the worst car jokes you've heard in your lifetime. Hit us in the Facebook comment box at the bottom of this post, but to get the juices flowing, here are some of the best crackers we've picked up:

A husband buys his wife a car for Christmas... "I don't like it" she says, "I want some what that goes from 0-140 in 3 seconds." So he comes back with a set of bathroom scales and says "stand on that you fat bitch!"

An eskimo breaks down in Wales, the local garage recovery man arrives and looks under the bonnet. The mechanic says "Ah I can see your problem, it looks like you've blown a seal" The eskimo replies "So what? You shag sheep!"

Heard about the car made out of wood? Wooden doors, wooden engine and wooden seats. It's in the garage, wooden start.

Your turn, type your jokes in the Facebook box below!

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