Why The 10-Tonne Marauder Is Richard Hammond's Ultimate City Car

It's as big as a house and as expensive as one too. But the Marauder will complete any city commute

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It costs £300k, weighs 10 tonnes and is twice the size of a Hummer H3, but the Marauder is actually a "good city car" according to Top Gear's favourite nocturnal rodent.

Traffic? Take any diversion you choose and it'll get you through. Have you been parked in? Simply engage the low-ratio gearbox, fire up the diff lock and away you go.


Obviously, a car this size has its downsides - it's not the best car to get you through a Maccy Ds drive-thru, but needs must. It's also slow (70mph top speed) basic inside and will cost you a bomb if you commute through London on a daily basis. Speaking of bombs, this thing actually is bomb proof...

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Check out the video below and pretend like you're not impressed. We dare you!


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