Why Jeremy Clarkson Is Glad He Left Top Gear When He Did

At a talk in London, Clarkson admitted that he's glad he left Top Gear when he did, as it was at risk of becoming "tired and boring"
Why Jeremy Clarkson Is Glad He Left Top Gear When He Did

Given that he, James May and Richard Hammond are now fronting a new motoring show with a much larger budget and fewer constraints, you could argue the aftermath of that punch has worked out nicely for Jeremy Clarkson. However, there is another reason why the ex-Top Gear presenter is glad he left his show behind when he did.

At a talk in London this week, the 56-year-old said: “I think we would have stayed at the BBC and then the show would have got tired and boring, eventually we would have piloted it into a hillside and that would have been the end,” adding: “At the time it was all tragic but now we’ve been forced to reinvent ourselves and we’re online, where you can do anything, like f*** a horse…Now we’re looking at losing Top Gear as a fantastic thing to happen.”

And the new - as yet unnamed - Amazon Prime show is indeed shaping up to be a rather different beast than Top Gear as we’d come to know it. There’s the obvious point of it being online, but also the studio format has been ditched. No more news, no more celebrity segments, just a series of expensive and no doubt very slick car films.

In the speech, Clarkson also rubbished claims that he’d tried to sabotage Chris Evans’ revival of Top Gear, revealing a peculiarity in his contract with the BBC. “It’s been suggested that I am behind it, that I am trying to scupper him. But I discovered the other day that every time it gets recommissioned I get paid.”

Source: The Sun

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I liked the news segment

05/04/2016 - 18:47 |
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Ronald Kwong

I don’t know if any of you spot Top Gear is having its own evolution. From providing us with tons and tons of humor to educate their audience to appreciate the value behind those beautiful machines, as well as its excellent cinematography and use of music.

05/04/2016 - 19:08 |
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Now if only they could could come up with a name for the new show— less faffing about, more naming the new show :D

05/04/2016 - 19:32 |
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“the studio format has been ditched. No more news, no more celebrity segments, just a series of expensive and no doubt very slick car films.” That’s what Top Gear US has been doing for the past few years. They tried studio format for season one and it was horrible, so they moved on to doing three car challenges and road trips only. I think it worked out fantastic. If Jeremy’s Amazon show follows the same layout, it’s going to be brilliant!

05/04/2016 - 20:09 |
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Why Jeremy Clarkson Is Glad He Left Top Gear When He Did

Is the Stig going to be returning? And how will they do hotlaps; Race track? Airfield?

05/04/2016 - 20:45 |
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Max van Casteren

Sacked not left

05/04/2016 - 21:09 |
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I know what I will be doing.

Waiting for the show

05/04/2016 - 21:29 |
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I’m so looking forward to gear knobs, even though that’s not what it’s going to be called, I’m going to call it that anyway

05/04/2016 - 21:30 |
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From what I have seen and read of/from Clarkson since about 2010 I can say that I find him to be a fairly horrible person. Just not a very nice man. With all the free, much more interesting and informative car content online I see no reason to give Amazon or the TG trio any of my time or money.

05/04/2016 - 22:19 |
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I just hope they keep the cheap car challenges going. I love those

05/04/2016 - 22:55 |
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