Why Wouldn't You Turn Your E30 Hot Tub Into A Giant Snowman Transportation Device?
With much of the UK covered in a blanket of snow, YouTuber and relentless shed inventor Colin Furze decided to put his hot tub-converted E30 BMW 3-series to good use
You might remember our favourite back yard inventor/bonkers YouTuber Colin Furze giving an old, dilapidated E30 BMW 3-series convertible a new lease of life by turning it into a driveable hot tub.
The results were amazing, but the trouble is, it’s not exactly hot tub weather in the UK right now. Over the weekend much of the country received a liberal dusting of snow, and the mercury is still overing around the 0 mark for most people.
Naturally, then, Furze decided it would be the perfect opportunity to build a giant snowman in the back of his one-of-a-kind E30. And drive it around. Obviously.
Never change, Colin…
Okay then…
Hey anything to gain more traction right
Weight distribution must be 10:90 or something. Imagine this with a big fat engine (maybe an S65?). Suddenly a 930 Turbo looks tame…
Drag racing with a snowman on the back waving goodbye to your opponents… That’s the dream
Snowman: “I’m flying jack”
There are a some times, when by reading the title of a post, you just know that it has something to do with Colin Furze, because no one else would even think of doing something that crazy
When a truck is too mainstream
This is what heppens when an australian gets put in charge
How to break your neck from a falling snowman 101
Wasn’t of thinking of doing it.. but uhm okay..
Poor ursuletz
Mr Furze how are your neighbours still your neighbours