Is This The Worst Car Advert Photography Ever?

We’ve all seen car adverts with bad photography. Ads that miss out key angles on the car, ads that only have one photo and ads where none of the pictures are even in focus are just hazards of used car-buying. But this one… this one wins the award.
The artist behind these triumphs of ineptitude over technology is selling a Mazda RX-7; or is trying to. At some point in the past, he or she has photographed the red, modified, FB- or FC-generation car (badly) on a basement-grade Pantech smartphone, before smashing that handset’s screen. Probably no more than it deserved.

Most of us would simply go and take new photos with our newer, shinier replacement handset, but that was too much like hard work for this simpleton, who has held the old phone up, cracked screen and all, and taken bad photos of the bad photos, adding blur to blur and making himself look more than a bit silly. He didn’t even put the broken phone down in order to keep it still, which beggars belief.
What, exactly, you’re supposed to be able to tell from these bad-pics-of-bad-pics, we can only guess at. Yes, it appears to be a car, and yes, it’s red, but aside from that… Sadly, we don’t have a link to the original advert because the website we found this story on didn’t want to include one. Craigslist is such a vast beast that it proved impossible for us to find the ad in the time we had. If you find it, bring it to the comments!
its so bad i thought that was a lotus or a FC
Same, thought it was an Elan
I thought at first that it was a bad Testarossa Replica; it’d make sense because of the quality of the photographs xD!
It isn’t an FC lol?
At first glance, I thought it was an MX-5…
But it is
Found it :D
That last picture had me laughing. Also note that in the ad it is stated to be 4 cyllinders
Matt Kimberley
The only way to make the rust not too obvious
Nevermind, thought it was a MX-5
its a fc :/
ryosuke is dissapointed
Perfect condition, one owner, never scratched, little use. The phone is none of them
Seeing the condition of his phone I don’t want to know what to condition of the car is…
Actually I don’t wanna buy that car at all. Not if the owner is such an rtrd
Thats an FC…for sure…not an FB/SA22C. I am disappoint.
Looks like a FC3S to me.
The unbelievable coincidence might be partly due to the fact that it is.
Should take a pic of that pic