You'll Struggle To Unclench After Watching This Biker's 100mph Save At The 'Ring
Anyone who takes to a Nurburgring touristenfahrten session on two wheels is a much, much braver person than me. Why? Because you have to worry about the potential mistakes of others as well as your own.
This footage - uploaded by David Monaghan - is a scary case in point. The buttock-clenching part starts shortly after the 7min 30sec mark, when a Seat Leon driver moves back over to the left, having just been overtaken by a Porsche Cayman. He can’t have checked his mirrors, as if he had, he’d have seen Monaghan on his BMW S1000RR.
After being hit by the Seat, Monaghan is seen leaving the tarmac and clipping the barriers on both sides of the track, while somehow staying upright. An impressive save at over 100mph, for which we doff our figurative caps.

In the comments section on YouTube, Monaghan had this to say about the Seat driver:
“I take responsibility for myself and the position I put myself in but this guy is definitely to blame for dangerous driving and is under investigation by police for it. In hind sight I should have spotted that he was a risk as he nearly hits [sic] the Porsche.”
In another comment, he said that the Seat driver “didn’t apologise or admit any guilt on his part as he insisted on going through insurance to repair his car”. He added: “If he does insist on claiming then at least I can claim from his insurance for the gravel rash damage…but I’d be surprised if his insurance even covers him on the Nurburgring.”
Hat tip to Andy!
that guy managed to stay ‘straight’
How to stain your strategy brown: watch this video.
My butt doesn’t need unclenching.
It fell off.
Have fun submitting a claim for damage on a racetrack. He can’t have had more than a dent or a scratch on one panel. He could’ve killed the biker though. He’s done well not to go off the bike, for sure
most insurance companies for German Driver cover damage done to others on the Nordschleife. But you can scratch the cover from your own car. Because they never cover dangerous driving, which can be claimed at all time at a racetrack. But all insurance companies in Germany and I think even in EU have to cover damage that got caused. Otherwise this is not an insurance. And for that reason the nordschleife is a public toll road during TF not a racetrack!
If it wasn’t for his massive balls weighing him down, he would have hit the barrier.
All that luck… He should buy a lottery ticket !
That wans’t luck, he has skills
Sure, luck… go drive a motorcycle like that and tell me more about luck.
The urge to tilt the phone as he takes on those corners is indescribable
I already did that to my 4K TV……
Well done on the recovery