You're A Car Person If...
… at least some of these apply:
You have been given an ultimatum about a car from a partner.
You sold a car and regretted it later because it became valuable.
You’ve fallen off of a perfectly good road.
… at least some of these apply:
You have been given an ultimatum about a car from a partner.
You sold a car and regretted it later because it became valuable.
You’ve fallen off of a perfectly good road.
You know the value of a thin sole.
You’re too old for toy cars, but you can see one from where you are reading this.
You can’t remember peoples names, but you remember them by car and car color.
You don’t call it the “long way”, instead you call it the “fun way”.
Washing up liquid and sugar.
You know the name of the actor that played Joey in Friends, but you’ve never seen Friends.
The only adverts you see on YouTube are for cars you can’t afford.
You’ve heard a car making a noise absolutely nobody else can hear.
You actually check your oil.
The idea of mismatched tires eats away at your soul.
10mm socket.
Your shoes have had to be thrown out as they wore out down the right side of the right foot.
You know it really isn’t the only answer.
The Eurobeat has intensified.
Malibu is not for surfing.
Your insurance company doesn’t need to know about the thing…
It’s forty minutes away but you’ll be there in twenty five.
You own cat litter… but don’t own a cat.
Image via Chapter 56
wtf is this
I steal cat litter from my cat.
“You can’t remember peoples names, but you remember them by car and car color.”
This one is so true for me.
“The eurobeat has intensified”
We know that moment..
Only a small part of the 73 cars I can see right now around me while doing homework.
they look like autoart models
You sold a car and regretted it later because it became valuable. - Rubbish - I regret it because it was coolest car ever.
You’ve heard a car making a noise absolutely nobody else can hear. - Its not called noise, its called music.
8mm socket. - wtf? 10mm socket
Why would you sell the coolest car ever?
I can never find my right. Your mileage may vary.
I honestly didn’t know LeBlanc played a role in friends. And I once watched friends together with my ex. Guess that’s what she meant when she said she has reasons to break up aswell ;D
What? No i have never fallen off a perfectly straight road…i have never driven my 1991 Geo Metro off a straight dirt road into a ditch because i was driving to fast and my car lost traction… No… Cannot say that ever happened
The 8 mm socket applies to me since I am an 8 mm socket
tfw no car