You've Probably Been Pronouncing Porsche's New 'Taycan' Name Wrong
Last week, Porsche announced that the production version of its first fully-electric vehicle - the Mission E - will be called Taycan.
If you didn’t see the press conference, you might assume the Turkish-derived name - which roughly translates as ‘spirited young horse’ - is pronounced…well, as it’s spelt: tay-can. Twitter certainly had enough Taken-related jokes (it’s a car with a particular set of skills, etc) just as news of the name broke, but that’s wrong.
Perhaps wanting to correct people (something Porsche clearly likes to do), a new teaser video for the car includes the excessively low-pitched voiceover guy name-checking the car, revealing the correct pronunciation of tie-kahn. So, now you know.

The car will arrive at some point next year, and we do already have some idea of what its powertrain will be like. Porsche is promising over 600bhp, a range of over 300 miles, 0-62mph in under 3.5 seconds, and 0-124mph in under 12. So long as you can hook it up to one of the new fangled chargers that’ll be part of the new network Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Ford and Audi is investing in, you can get over 60 miles of range in the battery in only four minutes.
What do you think of the name Taycan? And perhaps more importantly, how have you been pronouncing it…?
Is it just me or does Porsche have a fetish for weird names???
Porsche Gayman
Or those from their heritage. I.e 718 or Panamera - the latter of which which derives from that long continental race in Mexico.
Remember the Macan? I bet you pronounced it in a wrong way too. Because it was supposed to mean ‘’tiger’’ in Indonesian and should be pronounced as matʃan. Instead, everybody calls it makan, which means ‘’to eat’’ or ‘’food’’ in Indonesian.
Will the electric motor be in the front or in the rear like the OG Porsche?
Probably in the front, recent porsches are FWD too.
The motors of electric cars (yes multiple) are relative to the drive. Meaning that a RWD EV is rear engined, a FWD EV is front engined and AWD EV has either two engines (one for front, one for rear) or 4 engines (one for each wheel)
I’ve seen that horse somewhere……
yeah mate, on every poresche badge ever made. look closely and you will find it on the middle…
I did exactly thought it’s pronounced like that. Am I the only One?
There is a local food of mine that’s named Taychan. So, i do
I’m from the US and I pronounced it like tie con
I am from eastern europe and didn’t even know the “wrong” way.
I mean it’s pretty fking obvious - t-a-y-c-a-n. As in Y being an I.
I’mm from Italy and i pronounced it correctly.
Ha, I actually pronounced it right all along. Lol 😂
Haven’t watched it yet, but let me guess: it’s pronounced tuh-con
nope :(
I remember I hated the name Macan when it came out. I thought it sounded next level ugly. But now kinda used to it. So 5 years down the line you’ll think Taycan is a great name
Every german already pronounced it right