10 Iconic Old Cars With Modern Front-End Swaps
We love old cars for their driving purity, dismissal of safety tech and wonderful retro style. But what would some of the world's most iconic cars look like with modern front-end swaps? These images have the answer...

1. Ford Mustang first-gen/sixth-gen

2. Porsche 911 Classic/991 911

3. Audi Quattro/R8

4. Ford Sierra Cosworth/Mondeo

5. Mazda NA MX-5/ND MX-5

6. Lamborghini Diablo/Aventador

7. Mercedes 190E 2.5-16 Evo I/W205 C-class

8. Ferrari 328/488

9. Nissan Skyline R32/R35 GT-R

10. BMW E30 M3/F82 M4

Now find out what 10 amazing new cars with old-school front-end swaps would look like.
My eyes. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
nightmares 4 daes
allahu akbar
haha, Allahu Akbar means ‘God is Great’ so thank you for saying that sir.
MX-5, the ‘Stang and the Diabventador - they somehow look good. The Sierra looks very… ugly. As a Ford owner and fan of Cosworths I find this offensive to Ford and car history especially, hahaha. The other ones look disgusting too. It’s just impossible to mix the old conservative and simple design (which is really stylish in it’s own way) and that newer than the “new edge design”, design. It’s like mixing mustard with Nutella and expect it too look nice and taste good. And also not causing someone to puke when even looking at it. NO, you’re doing it wrong! :D
Oh my! Look at how fantastically godawful they all are!
No. Just no.
Q. What would some of the world’s most iconic cars look like with modern front-end swaps?
A. F*ing horrific. Without exception.
nooooooo omg nooo klösdaasödfös
the miata is possibly the best looking out of that bunch.
It looks the same with the old back …
IT looks like its inbred cousin
Now rear ends! …or new cars with old fronts ;)