7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

A lot of us guys know what it's like to go on a first date with a girl only to be told by her that she's not a car lover. You're instantly filled with disappointment and regret, but there is a solution. Here's how to 'encourage' her love of cars...
7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

1. Hand her the keys to your heart

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

Your girlfriend already knows that cars are your life, so when you hand over the keys to your pride and joy, what you’re effectively saying is "this key is a symbol of my love, and I’m trusting you not to hit the kerb." This crucial exchange is more significant to you than getting on one knee and presenting an engagement ring, and by doing so, you’re actively breaking down any barriers between you two.

By including her in your passion, you’re laying down firm foundations for a newfound love of cars.

2. Take her out in a REALLY fast car

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

We humans love to be exhilarated. Adrenaline flows through the body, makes the heart pump harder and makes us feel unstoppable. A great way to achieve this adrenaline hit is to drive a car fast. But the more we do that, the weaker the adrenaline hit becomes…

For a partner who may not have been exposed to the accelerative forces of something with serious power, your car is a great tool to give her that hit in a controlled environment. We’ve all seen the YouTube videos where people are taken out in GT-Rs and Teslas, and we all know that the reactions from them always end in terrified laughter. And on that day, another car girl was born.

3. Bore your girlfriend with car facts until it all sinks in

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

This one comes from CT’s very own office manager Maddi, so listen closely. The way to make her appreciate cars is to spend the first few months boring her to death with car facts. Then, when you’re having a car-related convo with friends, she’ll know exactly what you’re talking about!

4. Fill her life with Top Gear re-runs

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

I’m at a point now where I’ll walk into my living room and see my girlfriend on the sofa watching another re-run of Top Gear. It’s an episode I’ve seen at least 10 times, but to her, it’s new territory because she didn’t spend every Sunday watching the show since 2002. And as I’m sure you’ll agree, to non-car people, Top Gear is/was hugely entertaining.

5. Go on an epic road trip

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

There’s no better way to cement your girlfriend’s love of cars than by going for a massive road trip with her. Better yet, make it a romanic getaway where the car plays an essential part of your enjoyment together. (Interpret that last bit however you like…).

6. Show her how 'cute' cars can be

Image courtesy of Leon Schult
Image courtesy of Leon Schult

Another fine way to get your girlfriend into cars is by showing her how ‘cute’ some models can be. Speaking from experience, my girlfriend’s love of cars (you should see how many car pics she has on her phone now) started when she properly saw an MX-5 for the first time. When I saw her enthusiasm, I immediately bought the car you see above, and from there, her passion and knowledge has flourished. Win.

7. And finally...pull the handbrake!

7 Ways To 'Encourage' Your Girlfriend To Become A Car Girl

Take this one with a pinch of salt, but according to legend, the way to impress a girl is with a well-executed handbrake turn. According to Top Gear logic, this special manoeuvre should make your girlfriend fall in love with cars.

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