One Lap Short Track Oval Racing Or "Spectator Drags" Is Something That Should Be On Your Radar

People who like to rag on NASCAR say it’s boring because the race is going in circles of hours on end in cars that are supposed to look like street cars and are anything but street cars that still used carburetors up until about a decade ago. What if I told you that there’s a racing series that is a LOT shorter, the cars racing are real street cars and you might actually be able to participate personally? Enter “spectator drags”. Tarmac (or dirt) oval tracks that are often used for sprint car racing and such are used to put on a show for the local townsfolk as people in Dodge Neons and 80’s Monte Carlos race around the track and are eliminated one by one until a single driver remains.

You may be thinking “Why don’t you just race in rallycross?” In the USA, we do have rallycross but it’s basically autocross in the dirt, it’s a bummer we don’t have European style rallycross where people race door to door. One lap oval track racing can be easily seen by a crowd unlike some NASCAR races where the back straight may be half a mile away. I’ve seen some drivers do rather well even though their car was slow because they drove at 100% the whole race. Another common occurence is that other drivers may enter a corner too fast and nearly understeer off the track, spinning out as well.

Perhaps only turning left can pretty fun

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Puppy The Cat (lazy squad)

But isnt the guy who start on the left really advantaged ? However it look pretty fun

08/05/2017 - 05:18 |
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