Why do people like burnouts?
I’ve been into cars for most of my life, and I understand that dragsters do it to melt their tyres for grip when taking off, but why do people do burnouts on the road with road tyres?
I’ve done them before and they did nothing for me - no adrenaline rush, nothing - and I’ve been to the skid meets - where teens stand around in a circle and watch someone do a burnout until the cops show up.
Woo… you’ve floored a car with the brakes on. Well done..
I think it’s a demonstration of your car’s power. Also, it could be the adrenaline rush some feel for doing illegal stuff
Its mostly to show off the car’s power, but in drag race cars burnouts are done to heat up the tires to be more sticky and gain more traction,not only dragsters do it.
Hope it solved it
if you ask someone why they like something they will never be able to tell you exactly why. For example when you ask me why I am so obsessed with the S13 I can tell you some facts about how great it performs or how much I like the looks and so on. But I can never tell you why exactly I like the looks of it, because that is just preference.
It’s fun to finish off tires, as they’re no longer safe and usable for any other purpose anyways. It’s a demonstration of power, but there’s also an unexplainable element to it.
I guess they are fun if you don’t think about your tyres, engine and clutch
I have 496K on my Focus, original engine and clutch. I finish off every set of tires with burnouts.
Who doesn’t like burnouts
Pic’s from Straya mate.
For me it’s the smell of burnt rubber, that and the engine roaring.