You read that right! I was reading MF Ghost’s 40th chapter when suddenly the legendary RedSuns/Project.D driver Keisuke Takahashi finally made his comeback! Oh, yeah, and that guy who kept following him around, Kenta, has also returned. They don’t seem to have changed a bit since Project.D’s end
Usagi The Rabbit (Furry Squad) Phil Drift Keisuke Takahashi (MD squad) (name changer xddddd) BenPaye(JDMSquad)(MX5Squad)(LFAsquad)(Subie Squad) (Rotary Fighter) The Quirky Richard
Ooo shiiiiiit!!!!
That’s beyond awesome!!
That’s beyond awesome!!
He’s mentiong Kogashiwa too!!!!
Kogashiwa already made a comeback many months ago
ahh shit things are gettin interesting
I heard Ryo(suke) made a cameo in it as well
He did. You, however, didn’t. Also your friend Nakazato hasn’t appeared yet
Yeah he actually is the creator of the races and stuff
Woah Kenta too?
SIIIIIIIICK!! I hope he´s still ripping it in that FD, also, he mentions Kogashiwa, is he there too?
Yes, he’s been there since some months ago. And yes, his FD gets also mentioned
le gasp KEZOOOKOOO!!!!!!