Today is the 6969th day of the 21st century
It’s been 6969 days since the year 2000, which is 19.08008 years. 0.08008 years is 30 days, making this (january 30th) the 6969th day.
It’s been 6969 days since the year 2000, which is 19.08008 years. 0.08008 years is 30 days, making this (january 30th) the 6969th day.
How do you think I’m going to get along
Without you, when you’re gone
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own
Are you happy, are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat
Look out
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the duster
Hey, I’m gonna get you, too
Oh, take it
Bite the dust, hey
Another one bites the dust
There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad
And leave him when he’s down, yeah
But I’m ready, yes I’m ready for you
I’m standing on my own two feet