Why I love RWB?

I you may not know I’m a RWB fan. So I decided to tell you why I love those cars.

For those who don’t know RWB standsfor Rauh-Welt Begriff. This is German for rough world concept. The guy that you see on the picture is Akira Nakai. He is ceo of RWB.

So how I felt in love with RWB Porsches. The story begins when I was watching thegarage303. He made a video about those cars. After watching it was I love. I want one top 5 for sure. Those big body kits, oversized rear wings.

So how Nakai started his company. He had a body shop and one day a crashed 911 made its way to his body shop. He thought that 911 is very cool car and he later on started making body kits for 911. Every RWB car is different he makes all his cars by him self and gifs it a custom name the every of his cars. He wraps every tire with a Idler brand that he came up with.

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My Name is Joel

Interesting, you should write a whole blog post about the history of RWB, It would be interesting to learn more about the company and the man behind it.

04/11/2018 - 14:54 |
1 | 0

Good idea

04/11/2018 - 16:49 |
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RWB Dude


04/11/2018 - 17:30 |
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