Ferrari Is Preparing A Special 70th Anniversary LaFerrari

It seems like the LaFerrari is about to don a posh suit for Ferrari’s 70th birthday. The company is redesigning the bodywork for a fanfare LaFerrari special edition, according to patents filed last year.
Let’s get the formalities out of the way first: no, you can’t have one and you may never even see one on the road.

Monochrome patent images filed by Ferrari last year show a LaFerrari body with unusually thin headlights guaranteed to be made up of LEDs. There’s a more futuristic rear end, too; almost EV-like in its aerodynamic intent. According to Autocar, the name on the patent application is Flavio Manzoni, the man who designed the LaFerrari and 488.
It could be a one-off project to be kept under lock and key forever, apart from occasional outings to motor shows and brand-massage events. Or, on the other hand, it might be a project for a specific customer, like the recent SP275 RW Competizione.

We can only speculate on power, but it’s likely to keep the same 950bhp hybrid setup as the regular LaFerrari. I guess we can’t be too disappointed with that.
If looking at the monochrome images is spoiling your day, we’ve also seen some colour-rendered versions by Piesart Design.
Let me guess the name “Ferrari 70yearstribute
No, Ferrari LaFerrari such a great car company for the last 70 years edition
I know its going to be called ,,Le Ferrari 70YearAnniversaryCarThatYouCantAffordOrBuyBecauseItsAllreadySoldOut,,
LaFerrariSettantaAnni, perhaps
IDK I was thinking Ferrari70yearsofgoodnamesbeforesuperfastcamealongandruinedourreputation
let me guess… I don’t have even money
Ferrari LaFerrari - UltraFastCompetizione 70thAniversiario
Ferrari Laferrari Uglylightsspecialedition
Ferrari La70 Aniversario
I think the front looks so much better without that central vertical part of the front spoiler the LaFerrari has.
Everyone is commenting about how it’s ridiculous it’s probably gonna be named and then there’s me…
Ferrari F70
It was the name of the project before the laferrari was made
Ferrari LaFerrari 70yearFastEditionApertaGTO
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Much better then all those useless Jeep special editions….
Trapper Jeeper
Yea those are bullcrap