GTA V Has Been Banned From Australian Retailers Because Of 'Sexual Violence' Petition

In an online petition on, three women who claim to be survivors of sexual violence made statements against the popular GTA V game over a year after its release. Their claims that the game encourages sexual violence and the accompanying petition were successful enough to get Target Australia to pull GTA V from its shelves.

Shortly after the announcement from Target Australia came identical action from Kmart Australia, that is also owned by parent retail company Wesfarmers. Target Australia says it has both customers who strongly oppose the game and customers who want it to remain on the shelves. Because of the strong opposition, it feels it’s better not to sell it but will keep other adult media in the stores.

The women, who go by Nicole, Claire and Kat on their petition page, state that “This misogynistic GTA 5 literally makes a game of bashing, killing and horrific violence against women. It also links sexual arousal and violence.” They go on to say that GTA V encourages sexually assaulting women and even gives health points for doing so.

There are no bonuses or health points awarded to anyone who rapes the most women or kills the most prostitutes. In fact, all the sexual acts in the game are consensual, so rape does not exist in GTA V. To advance in the game, you do not need to commit a single act of sexual violence or murder. Players that do these things are acting on their own free will. If you run around in a Minecraft server bashing other players with an axe, does it mean Minecraft encourages assault with a deadly weapon?

Take-Two, owner of Rockstar Games, was rightfully disappointed by the decision from Australia’s largest retailer. This comes shortly after The Warehouse and other retailers in New Zealand decided to pull the game. Now the petitioners are putting pressure on other retailers world-wide to follow these actions. Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told MCV UK:
“Grand Theft Auto V explores mature themes and content similar to those found in many other popular and groundbreaking entertainment properties. Interactive entertainment is today’s most compelling art form and shares the same creative freedom as books, television, and movies. I stand behind our products, the people who create them, and the consumers who play them.”

It’s not all bad news for GTA V. Players can still purchase and download the game directly from their PC or console, even in Australia. The game remains tremendously popular and still holds six Guinness World Records in sales. There is also a counter petition that has gained over 16,000 signatures in less than two days.
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