Here's What Happens When You Replace A Tyre With 3000 Nails
The ever mad guys behind Garage 54 have found a new tyre substitute - several thousand nails
We’ve seen Garage 54 do some pretty crazy stuff in recent months, from driving a car with its wheels chained together to ploughing an old Skoda through a kilometre of plastic wrap.
Our favourite videos from the mad Russians, however, usually involve replacing tyres with completely unsuitable things like Coca-Cola bottles or coil springs. And the YouTube channel has come up with a belter, by replacing each front tyre on this Lada with 3000 nails.

Not only do the tyres work, they actually provide decent traction, since they’re emulating the effect of snow studs. When the speed increases, however, the makeshift boots aren’t quite so happy…
Wouldn’t one get tired of coming up with new designs? Although they have nailed this one
Wow nice two in one
These guys have to be on something
They’re on “ice”.
Ah vodka… Such a miracle, by that Soviets won the WW2.
I think vodka is older than the Soviets. Who no longer exist…
I think they nailed it with this one.
Isn’t this basically what ice tires are, but without the rubber and bigger studs
They should have tried swapping them over or done a hard launch i reverse to get the spikes into the ice properly. Next time use a bigger rim and shorter nails.
Imagine getting your foot ran over with that… Ugh that would hurt
Wouldn’t want to get run over by these tyres though
Snow tires to the extreme