Here are some negative things Reddit has said about Car Throttle...

“(Alex Kersten) has some good shows, skits, and whatnot. But something about his teenish sense of humor and personality get under my skin.”

“Click bait.”

“Car Throttle is aids, period.”

“(Car Throttle is) broaching on some click baity turf.”

“I loved every episode with Phil, but the rest of it’s gotten repetitive and old, at least for me.”

“Some of them were kinda entertaining but it’s pretty much Buzzfeed for cars as far as I’m concerned.”

“I like some of their videos, it’s their website you should stay away from.”

“They are aimed towards a younger audience. Let’s say there is an article about a new Volvo, the comment section is just going to be kids making ‘Volvos are tanks’ jokes. There is little to no discussion.”

The original thread is here

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FLixy Madfox

Buzzfeed for cars….
Well do i have news for you

08/20/2017 - 22:12 |
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It used to be so good! Argh! Sadly, I agree with most of this stuff!

08/21/2017 - 01:30 |
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but what if perhaps we stop watching the video’s or going on the parts of the website we dont like and instead go to the parts we DO like. i for one dont follow ct on facebook and don’t watch their youtue video’s that much. i stay away from certain communities cause i don’t like them but mainly because i’m just not interested in them. it’s that easy. it’s like i have the amazing ability to do whatever the f i want to. wow. (for real tho if you don’t like something then just don’t watch/use it. and “are they worth continuing to watch” is the most stupid question i’ve ever heard. do you need permission or something now to do stuff on the internet?)

08/21/2017 - 10:03 |
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Juha Arkkukangas

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I unsubbed from CTs youtube channel just today. I realized that in the past year or so I’ve only watched few of their videos. Before that their videos were more interesting.
I can still see the videos they upload here on CT and watch the interesting ones. But I wanted to get rid of their videos from my subscription feed, most of their videos are just useless imo

08/21/2017 - 10:28 |
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Andrew G.

Makes me nostalgic for /Drive. Most of their content is pay to watch now, but they had awesome car talks. They had Matt Farah, Mike Musto, Chris Harris, Alex Roy, JF Musial, and Mike Spinelli, former founder of Jalopnik. Thats just a few.

08/21/2017 - 13:38 |
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I miss that too. Shame they dont really make any content anymore

08/21/2017 - 16:28 |
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Chewbacca_buddy (McLaren squad)(VW GTI Clubsport)(McLaren 60

Yeah, I agree with that as much as it pains me to say it

08/21/2017 - 15:46 |
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I agree with it. But most of it i dont necessarily think is bad lol. The buzzfeed thing is kinda true though…. god i hate buzzfeed

08/21/2017 - 16:28 |
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The thing is that nobody does a proper pro/contra about car throttle. There is only a contra and even then the critics often don’t mention any ways to do it better. Car thottle has problems indeed but it also has plus sides nobody mentions

08/22/2017 - 11:37 |
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