Here's Why Electric Cars Aren't the Answer

Electric cars are rising in the car world, and are basically killing off our beloved petrol (and even diesel) automobiles. Every manufacturer who decides to jump onto this bandwagon always gives the typical excuses of “we are saving the planet” and that they have to meet regulations set by the government (despite Pagani, Bugatti, Ferrari and the like all clearly not meeting them and not being hassled).

But is this really the truth? Or is this just a big, fat lie to try and trick us into thinking they are doing something for the good? Well, yes EVs do pollute less on the car emissions side of things but have you ever thought about how the electricity is brought to the cars in the first place? This electricity comes mostly from coal fire power stations which isn’t exactly environmentally friendly. If all the cars in the world were to become electric at this very moment, the planet wouldn’t actually be able to produce enough electricity to support it all. Fossil fuels would be burned at incredibly fast rates, eating up all of the reservoirs left QUICKER than petrol powered vehicles currently do. So why is this EV transformation happening? The thing that confuses me most is the fact that we have already built hydrogen powered cars. But the real problem is simply that many countries that have large amounts of oil left want to use it up and sell it, they don’t want it sitting there doing nothing whilst lovely completely eco friendly cars happily drive around, leaving only the rich to enjoy the “gas guzzlers”. They want to sell it for good money too; not on the cheap and how are they going to do that whilst also look like they are “doing their bit” for the environment? That’s right, EVs still require lots of fossil fuels whilst releasing less harmful gases on the dealership’s emissions sheet. However, improvements are being made on the petrol side of things too, with Mazda trying to reduce fuel consumption (which I am supportive of).

So no, I’m not saying we should just burn up all the fossil fuels left by using petrol powered vehicles just to satisfy our petrolhead needs for a nice V12 or whatever it may be, and no, I’m not saying you should throw your electric hat away and support hydrogen (there are many problems with it too). What I’m simply saying is electric cars aren’t truly the answer, but nothing is really. Unfortunately at the moment cars can’t run completely without the use of fossil fuels, so unless green energy production is vastly improved or some energy researcher works miracles, well, there could be trouble ahead.

Also as a little side note this isn’t me saying pick a side or speaking against Tesla and the like, I’m just simply a guy writing a blog to tell you a little bit about the current affairs of the car world, and I completely understand if you fully support EVs, hydrogen power or fuel. Sorry if I sound biased strongly, I’m simply stating why I’m not a big fan of electric powered cars. :)

cue angry comments why am I writing this I’m terrified please don’t kill me aahhhhh

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Tomislav Celić

I care to disagree. Electric cars ARE the answer, just not now, and not no suddenly. We need 50 years until all the cars are replaced.

09/28/2017 - 19:44 |
8 | 5

But this is where the problem lies with green energy, we are no where near producing enough electricity to power that many electric cars

09/28/2017 - 20:27 |
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I called it, knew you were gonna comment on this haha

09/28/2017 - 21:25 |
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Luke's garage

I agree. Also producing the batteries for EVs is pretty polluting cause all the mining and processing.

09/28/2017 - 20:12 |
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David 27

wait till all the Lithium runs out, there is no way enough for so many batteries for all cars that will be replaced

09/28/2017 - 20:14 |
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French Freys

I agree, I wrote an entire school research paper on the topic. I’ll post it here someday…
I got a 97, so my teacher might be a petrolhead too :P

09/28/2017 - 23:54 |
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Well done! Just walk up to your teacher and say VTEC kicked in yo and if he/she gets it then you know 😂

09/29/2017 - 07:03 |
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My essay for part of my final mark is going to be about electric cars so this is just like a little warm-up for me before I have to write a really long, in-depth essay using loads of persuasive techniques 😁

09/29/2017 - 14:32 |
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Jia the Supra Fanboy

Sigh… another article that claims…

“electric car production and electricity production is so much more harmful than standard car production and oil refinement”


Time and time again, these articles claim to support the emotional argument with no factual evidence.

09/29/2017 - 01:21 |
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I skimmed though it but I think he means that it isn’t making it massively better because there still has to be the power plant that makes the electric

09/29/2017 - 01:47 |
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I was trying to keep the blog short and relatively easy for all to read, so I was trying to avoid getting in-depth

09/29/2017 - 07:00 |
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Actually, i read in a brazilian car magazine (quatro rodas) that a research concluded that a EV car pollutes more than a petrol car depending on the country, such as china for exemple (without couting the production of the batteries). In the US it is almost the same number, just a bit less, but if you consider a very efficient and small car (such as the up!) a tesla would pollute more in the same distance.
I honestly think that biofuels is the way to go, if you do the maths the co2 emissions drop by 90%, considering that the tractors of the farms are running with fossil diesel. Something that i don’t see people saying when they talk about biofuels is what “renewable” means, basically the co2 that comes of the exaust goes back into the plant to grow it, creating a carbon cycle, which doesn’t happens when you burn mineral coal in powerplants. And because biofuels are less (or even not) contaminated with sulfur, acid rains (wich is a big problem) would be less frequent as well.

09/29/2017 - 01:52 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yeah, I saw a few bits here and there about biofuels but it always seems to be kind of hidden for some reason

09/29/2017 - 07:02 |
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RodriguezRacer456 (Aventador SV) (Lambo Squad)


This is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying

09/29/2017 - 02:19 |
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OK Hybrid is my choice.

09/29/2017 - 05:30 |
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Or biofuel.Or solar-powered

09/29/2017 - 05:31 |
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Yeah, I’m fine with hybrids, it’s full on electric that bothers me. Hybrids cut down on fuel while using smaller amounts of electricity, which is good. Plus they actually make noises and can still use V8, V12 etc

10/01/2017 - 09:12 |
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Martins Skulte

kinda yes and kinda no. i see more and more EV cars on road in my city but thats about just it. I wouldnt consider EV car unless it have charging stations nationwide, so far its handfull and only in capital. as far as making electricity, close to 90% our electricity comes from hydroelectric power stations, rest of precentage is bought from neighbours, so that claim “electricity production is so much more harmful” is true, but not in all cases. And its ok to EV fail at this point, its new thing and need more time to develop bigger capacity batteries and better charging solutions.

09/29/2017 - 08:29 |
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I’m not sure where you live but where I live over 50% of out energy comes from non-renewable sources

09/29/2017 - 14:15 |
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Petrolhead159(LFASQUAD)(Upvote Warhead)(Group F50)

Hydrogen cars are better than them

10/07/2017 - 13:13 |
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In some ways, yeah!

10/07/2017 - 14:21 |
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