We need to talk about (Political) bumper stickers

I need to make this point OK. Bumper stickers are great, they tell a message and get a good laugh. But sometimes, they are things like the picture above or the first topic I would like tot talk about, political bumper stickers.

For for you non Americans who are just watching this hell hole of an election, you may know that Bernie was a liberal. And what is the liberal stereotype? Hippies and hipsters. Now I never thought this was true until this election. How? Bumper stickers. Almost all Bernie stickers were on Priuses. I know because we counted them in history class.

Now what about covering the back? Well that is not as common but when it happens, they go full out. These are the kind of people who when they order a vegan item at a restaurant they make sure everybody can hear them.

Now what about the other side? Well they are less vocal about it. I think. I live in a very democratic area so I don’t see many Trump signs. But when I went to Pennsylvania, it kind of made me scared. For them it kind of is one bumper sticker that’s all, for Trump at least. Their others? Well…

Yeah, they got their crazies too.

Now this is where I have a conclusion, but I must make another point. With each party having a terrible choice, what do we do? Go 3rd party. Yep, I have, and many others have too. But what about their voice?

This is MY picture, and online I have only found one other person with one. So what have we learned? Bumper stickers say a lot about who you are and what you believe. But what else does it prove? America is done for. Gary Johnson 2016. (So concludes my rant)


Jack the Car Guy

I remember seeing a Pro-Harper Sticker on a Chevy Colbalt back in 2012. But that’s about it,

08/28/2016 - 23:34 |
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Liam Tully

I’m just gonna write myself in. And I’m not even legally eligible

08/29/2016 - 05:05 |
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What do you think about the sticker on this car xD

09/02/2016 - 01:33 |
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