#DidYouKnow - The AW11 MR2 is basically a front-wheel drive car in reverse?!

Did you know that the rear trans-axle on the AW11 was taken from a front-wheel drive E80 Corolla? If you look at the rear wheels you can still see the tie rods from the steering linkages bolted to the underside of the car. The original MR2 is probably the most literal case of a front-wheel drive car in reverse.

Source: 10 Weird And Obscure Car Facts Every Petrolhead Should Know About

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Well, yes, yes I did

05/12/2016 - 17:21 |
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No, it’s not a front-wheel drive car in reverse. At all. The engine bay of the AW11 and AE80 Corolla is exactly the same. The engine is facing the same direction in both. In the picture, the bottom of each is the front of the car. They’re facing the same exact way. Not backwards at all.

05/12/2016 - 18:15 |
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Pietro Passeri

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The reference are on the drive train, not on the power unit!

05/13/2016 - 10:48 |
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Pietro Passeri


05/14/2016 - 22:31 |
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