The BMW Z1 is a lovely cruiser with its retractable doors. Did you know it had changeable plastic body panels so the owner could change its color?

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Max Schröder

You hardly find one with original (paint on) the doors.
Sand and Dirt and what not would fall into the gap when someone gets in/out, and badly scratch up the doors.

03/23/2016 - 22:29 |
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Ouch. At least it’s interchangeable

03/23/2016 - 22:31 |
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I saw one at a local car show once with the doors removed :)

03/23/2016 - 22:51 |
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Cool! But they can also slide down into the side. Lucky you to have seen one in person! :D

03/23/2016 - 22:55 |
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