Potential Decapitation Is Why You Shouldn’t Tail An Unsecured Load
Lucky Motorist; BCFR units responded to Interstate 95 NB MM197 in Rockledge this afternoon for a piece of plywood impaled into a windshield. The driver was unharmed and refused transport. #ROCKLEDGE #INTERSTATE95 #BCFR #BREVARDSBRAVEST #BREVARDCOUNTY #MOVEOVER pic.twitter.com/tF7IJCJuUe
— BCFRpio (@BCFRpio) October 12, 2018
To address the obvious question these terrifying images present, no, no one was hurt. On the other hand, this sheet of plywood was turned into a potentially deadly ninja star when it fell away from the truck carrying it.
As it flew through the air a corner pierced this unfortunate Honda’s windscreen like a hot poker through butter, ramming all the way through until the diagonally angled sheet jammed against the A-pillars.

We shouldn’t need to tell you that this could have delivered sickening and most certainly fatal injuries to anyone in a front seat. Miraculously, though, the driver managed to dodge any harm and even refused the police’s offer of onward transport.
If you’re carrying anything on or in an open load bay, make damn sure it’s secured properly. If you’re driving behind a load and you can’t see how it’s secured, back off before something terrible happens.
That’s quite a Final Destination moment right there
R.I.P Civic’s windscreen
Wow, that wood’ve hurt a lot.
At least everyone’s oak-ay
Do I have to re-PLY to this?
In Soviet Brevard county, wood chop you!
Someone obviously hasn’t watched Final Destination…
All these things you would already know if you are a rider. Yet another reason that the MSF should be mandatory. It literally opens peoples eyes.
Final Destination intensifies
The title seems to imply it’s the Honda’s fault for being behind them
Well… it doesn’t. Telling someone to not trust that others is just generally good advice lol
Slicey slice