Sliding Nissan GT-R Comes Perilously Close To Head-On Smash
In a dashcam video that’s sure to make you involuntarily clench, an R35 Nissan GT-R is seen having a massive sideways moment on a blind bend. They’re just about able to hold it, but there’s a problem - the camera car, which is driving the other way on this road in Augusta County, Virginia.
Fortunately, the latter driver quickly swerved out of the way and onto a grass verge, narrowly avoiding contact with the wayward Nissan. We’re thinking this can be classed as code brown territory.
On Reddit, the uploader speculated that it was a case of lift-off oversteer since no engine sound was heard just before the car appeared. A 30mph sign can be seen at the start of the video, but the camera car driver reckons the GT-R was doing over 60mph on corner entry. “He probably knew the turn, knew what he was doing, and was intentionally pushing the limits,” he added.

If it was me behind the wheel of the poster’s car, I’d be raging pretty hard, but the cammer mostly seems elated to have caught something on his recording equipment. “Finally something good!” he’s heard exclaiming…
Video via Car Scoops
Well… sh!t
Garage: we’ve put the best brakes on your car. The best in the game.
Driver: Refund me I nearly f’in died.
Garage: No s##t Sherlock. You were recorded.
Eurobeat intensifies
exclusive footage of the GT-R driver after the incident
More like too much turn for the speed. I’m not an expert, but perhaps that less speed would have resulted in him sliding in his lane? Or a earlier turn in? Works in manga at least
dash cammers when they record a crash
“Hahaha…..finally something good!” -not sure I’d have stayed so cool in that situation.
I’m gonna recreate this, throwing my PC through my car’s windshield (tho it didn’t crash)
Back on the rocks, back back on the rocks baybe O no! Crashes
Qian Li my initial experience was extremely to this, except I was the only one on the road and it wasn’t lift-off.
Ah, I see.