This BMW Dealer Is Selling A Fake, Non-Working i8 For $20k+

One of the hottest cars on sale today is the BMW i8. The plug-in hybrid sports car is hugely sought after, but its £100,000 price tag makes it rather unattainable for most.

Fortunately a BMW dealership in America has come up with an interesting solution. It is selling its display car, which has no engine and no interior - the doors don’t open and the wheels don’t move. Pretty much the only thing that works on this fibreglass 1:1 replica model is the headlights.

It’s up on eBay now, and incredibly it’s attracted more than 50 bids, with the highest approaching $20,000 (£12,000). Included in the sale are the casters beneath the car that allow it to move, which is easily done as it’s light enough for four people to carry.

We’re not sure why anyone would drop so much cash on something like this - unless they’re planning some kind of incredible kit car conversion - but if we had a spare $20k lying around, it would make an awesome office centrepiece.
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