This Nasty-Looking Crash Punishes A Cyclist For Running A Red Light
We don’t necessarily have anything against cyling; only cyclists who don’t abide by the rules. This man in the Canadian city of Ottowa found out the hard way what happens when you flout the law.
Approaching from the left of shot, the rider flies out into the road at 90 degrees to the oncoming traffic, running a red light. The camera car, the driver of which was just trying out their new dash-cam for the first time, sees the bare-headed rider coming and slows to avoid a crash, but the unsighted driver on the right doesn’t. The impact sends the twisted bike flying to the opposite pavement while the cyclist picks himself up off the road, apparently not hurt too badly.

Via the description beneath the YouTube video upload, the driver implies that the footage should help the family in the car that hit the bike to sort any blame issues out once and for all.
Cyclists. Red and green. Learn the bloody difference
Bloody ignorant Cyclists
Cyclist must be terrible at solving rubiks since they seem to be colourblind
That’s exactly what I thought today when I saw a cyclist stopping at a damn green light.
It’s not all cyclists, I am one and have never gotten hit or in anyone’s way. On the OTHER hand, drivers cut us off, don’t signal, and brake all the time in front of us.
I’ve seen both sides. Think road users in general need to be a bit calmer
I never got hit either. And indeed some people with cars don’t care that you’re more vulnerable on a bike.
At least the law here protects the most vulnerable person of an accident, unless there’s proof he caused the accident. Still, if it was over here the car would be at fault since it could have prevented the crash (he can easily see the cyclist), even though the cyclist ran through a red light.
My aunt nearly run over by a turning truck, they didn’t see her on the corner and proceeded to turn. My aunt got out the way but the bike was crushed.
Jeremy Clarkson Intensifies
that punish is way too hard
So much pleasure in this video
You’re f*cked up man.