ChumpCar Racing vs LeMons Racing #blogpost

I recently read an article written by Ian Wright entitled “7 Racing Series More Interesting Than Formula One”. One of the racing series he listed was ChumpCar Racing and upon reading the description I realized that ChumpCar Racing and LeMons have a lot in common. However, they do have their differences and I’ll try to outline them the best I can…

LeMons Is More Silly

Not only is artistic expression with your race car allowed with LeMons, it’s encouraged. You, as the racing driver, and your pit crew, are also welcome to dress up for the occasion.

By comparison, ChumpCar racing is more about the racing itself and less about making your 80’s van look like the Mystery Machine.

LeMons Racing Is More Popular And Has Road Rallys

This point is a little obvious but still worth mentioning. While ChumpCar Racing does have several events all across United States, LeMons has that and more, LeMons even has two road rallys. The hosts of Roadkill even participated in a recent rally from Moscow, Pennsylvannia to Paris, Alabama.

LeMons Is More Strict About Car Costs And Modifications

LeMons is serious about keeping the cost of the cars that race in their series (excluding safety equipment) don’t cost over $500. You can go a little over $500 but every $10 you go over $500, you have to take a penalty lap.

By comparison, ChumpCar Racing’s rules regarding car selection and upgrades are more lenient. A car is given a vehicle performance index based on market value and vehicle performance (this includes upgrades). For example, a V8 swapped Miata would have a higher vehicle performance index than a stock Miata. Any car with a vehicle performance index above 500 must take a certain amount of penalty laps and any car with a vehicle performance index above 1,000 won’t be allowed to race.

There are many other rules and regulations regarding this subject but rather than try to explain them all, I’ll post a link to the rules down below.

So, after reading about the differences in between LeMons and ChumpCar, which racing series do you prefer?

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Dat Incredible Chadkake

Ian Wright

04/01/2017 - 16:50 |
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The roundabout!

04/01/2017 - 17:45 |
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If Take LeMons even though it’s more stricter. I would love to buy a broken down Corolla and give it a cheap Panda paint job and dub thee “Initial Cheap”

04/01/2017 - 19:20 |
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