3D-printed phone holder for my Subie!

Planing and drawing the 3D-model in solid works to print it with the 3D-printer.

Printing the whol thing!

Then I painted it black to match the inerior.

Last but not least, I wired a voltage transformer from 12V to the USB 5V to the plug of the ashtray light (removed this). Then I drilled a small hole in the vent chamber so I can run a charging cabel for my phone through the vent.

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Vivek 1

Nice. Solidworks ftw.

04/25/2017 - 17:11 |
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Yes! I also used other CAD-programms before but I am realy happy that I got this solid works for this and maybe next year for free from my school!
It’s nice to work with!

04/25/2017 - 17:14 |
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Now that is amazing, well done :D

04/25/2017 - 17:34 |
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Max Sch

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks m8!
Tried my best ;)

04/25/2017 - 17:35 |
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Is that a Prusa i3?

04/26/2017 - 10:07 |
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Max Sch

In reply to by Tuna

Its an ULTIMAKER first generation i think (im not totally shure but I think there is a 3 generatioj out now…)

04/26/2017 - 14:32 |
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French Freys


05/23/2017 - 10:31 |
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Thanks buddy!

05/23/2017 - 14:01 |
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