Watch The Moment A Hapless Honda Driver Crashed Into Someone's Roof
CCTV captures the moment a Honda CR-V in eastern China ended up embedded in a roof after a case of pedal confusion
While apparently trying to avoid a collision in Taizhou, Eastern China, this Honda CR-V driver accidentally stepped on the accelerator rather than the brake. One massive slide later, and the CR-V left the elevated section of road and straight into someone’s roof.
The hapless driver was extracted by the emergency services with the help of a ladder, while the car was later removed with a crane. All this must have made for an interesting phone call to the insurance company…
Via BBC News
Not at all over used as a way to try and get upvotes by dropping it early on a post…
The car was a Honda, no suprise there
Imagine if it was a Volvo
A Volvo would go full neutrino and pass through every object in its way xD
Queue in the ‘Vtec kicked hard’ jokes
When VTEC kicks in too hard YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
How… how do you even do that?
That guy is soo calm!!!!!
Do you think that after that, the driver felt rather… rueful?
‘God dammit mum I said left not right.’
Maybe the vtec kicked in yo
Heyyy that drift is pretty good!!