The Trabant Was an Awful Car Made By Communists
I recently had the chance to drive a Trabant, which is a truly awful car born in East Germany during the darkest days of Communism — and manufactured until the late 1980s. For more, watch the video above, and check out my column.
I’ve heard of guys putting Hayabusa engines in these, with extreme results!
For some reason we car guys sometimes have a liking for aweful cars
I agree
man, it had up to 28 hp, had no weight, used no fuel and nobody needed to brag about cars… It had its advantages, the five year waits for getting one werent one lol
With Donald Trump taking charge, welcome to America’s automotive future Doug…
Not really. He might actually lift stricter emissions tests. Source: Jalopnik
So awful? The People there were happy about it for 2 decades ;)
Yeah, but not the kind of “It’s an excellent car” happy. More like the kind of “well, the only alternative is twice as expensive, so we’ll have to go with it” happy.
My dads Trabi😁
Wow thats pretty!
Still got less rust than phil
probably because the roof, trunk lid, hood, fenders, and doors made of hard plastic called Duroplast
BoostedBorris be like:
Lada-perfect from the start
And yet so many video games are based off from it.