A Car Guy That Truly Likes JDM Euro And Muscle Equally Is Very Rare
There are a lot of people that say that they like all sports cars, muscle, JDM and Euro. I’m sure that there are a lot of people out there that like muscle, JDM and Euro, but they don’t like them all equally. They may say they like them all equally, but their words and actions tell a different story. If a guy says he likes all kinds of sports cars equally, but most of the cars he talks about and posts about on social media are European and Japanese sports cars, then he doesn’t truly like muscle Euro and JDM equally; he’s a fanboy of European and Japanese sports cars, but not muscle cars. If he really DID like Euro, muscle and JDM cars equally, then he would be talking about and posting about Euro, muscle and JDM cars for about the same amounts of time.
The same can be said for the cars a person has owned and currently owns, the types of car magazines they subscribe to, the Youtube videos they watch, and so on and so forth. Whether you like it or not, almost all of us have a preference to one of the 3 types of sports cars out in the world. If you sat down and looked at all the car related things you’ve posted on social media, the pictures on your camera or phone, and your reactions to seeing certain cars at a car meet and out on the road, you will discover something. You’ll soon realize that you tend to drift towards a certain type of sports car, consciously or subconsciously.
Why u talking about me m8?
I love the 1970 Doge Challenger, Blobeye WRX STI, and the amazing Audi S7 Sportback.
What makes you think I’m talking about you?
True, the order of vehicles I like are as follows:
1) Subaru (gets its own spot :D)
2) other JDM
3) euro
4) muscle
Great article! At the moment I have actually posted about all three equally. But I only have three posts…does that still count haha
From seeing your profile, I can validate your statement.
But we can all hate on that fake gtr.
Yeah I hate the GT-R front bumper… even if it is a fast a one, it doesn’t belong on a G35.
Im cool with some JDM cars, but i’ll choose muscle every time. Not sure if one of those people even exist…
I’m like that too
1: AE86
But seriously I low key like muscle cars. I’m really a GM fan boy disguised as a weaboo.
I’m love them all equally. Seriously.
Hmmm yeah, I don’t know… xD
Bro I respect everything even LS swaps and electric cars. Every car has a purpose.
Hey that’s me! Can’t live whitout either, of them