How having driving lessons changed my conception of driving.

The time had finally come! I could finally have driving lessons and get a license I had craved so long! But then, on the first lessons, the shock came: driving a car on the streets smoothly is a far cry from all the racing (sims and karting) or anything else I had ever experienced. Friction point was something I had never heard of, even paralel parking was a completely new experience, and I can assure you it changed me for the better as a driver. Let’s analyse this quickly:

Driving slow prepares you for the worse
As a learner, the speed limit is 20Km/h in Brazil. Hence, it is an absolute pain. I won’t lie to you, in every single driving lesson, I felt almost urged to floor it. My feet itched to have some heel and toe downshifting, but no, I had to patiently drag myself on the street. With time, I did not only learned to drive slowly, but also to enjoy a more serene ride, appreciate the environment and most importantly, learned to keep my wits when irritated when stuck in a traffic jam or behind another slow driver. Also, I learned that sometimes, you will have to drive for other people; other drivers might be exhausted after a hard day and not pay enough attention, be emotionally struck after a bad time etc. So you have to pay double attention, so no one’s day is ruined (or made worse)

I learned to feel the car better
Driving smoothly implies on getting everything as calmly and easily as you can. This means finding a friction point for example becomes something unique; an indescribable feeling of synergy and union between man and machine, one of the best things I have ever experienced. Besides, I always thought the clutch had much less importance than it does and how having a better clutch feel makes you a better driver.

Finally, learning how to drive an actual road car gives you an incomparable sensation of freedom
You know, having a car to go wherever the hell you want is the zenith of the felling of freedom. You, your car and an empty road, waiting to take you to the ride of your life, and each time I get into a car is much more than getting from A to B. It is a higher state of happiness, something not even the richest vocabulary can name. Each ride is the ride of a lifetime.

Thanks for reading! How did learning how to drive change you and your mindset? Share your story in the comments!

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Dan Dominé

Is the speed limit for young drivers really 20 km/h ?
It’s dangerous in itself if you drive too slowly. I learned that I had to respect the limits but also drive close to them. If someone drives too slow it can create accidents in itself…

Though if you are in a big city, I guess that 20 is what you’d get anyways with congestion. So how is it ?

05/22/2016 - 23:11 |
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In Brazil, the driving lessons and exam are ridiculous. We aren’t even allowed to get to third gear, it is a real pain, but I live in a huge city with a f**k ton of traffic, so I guess it is ok. But most certainly, driving absurdly slow is dangerous for you and other drivers, but the whole process of learning how to drive here doesn’t bother a bit about it.

05/22/2016 - 23:14 |
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Oh, and the limit is for when you are with the driving school car. After you have your license you can go at the normal speed limits

05/22/2016 - 23:15 |
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Dan Dominé


05/22/2016 - 23:27 |
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Frédérick Brosseau Métayer

I think you learned one the most important lessons, that you drive for the other drivers! Everyone should always be aware of all the things that are going on. And that’s what a driving lessons should teach you by putting you in a safe and comfy environment so you can focus on the interaction with the other!

Be patient, you will soon have the opportunity to blast through the country road :D

05/23/2016 - 00:56 |
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Exactly! I am just three lessons apart from the exam, which seems to be quite easy. Some more two months and some dreams will come true! :)

05/23/2016 - 00:58 |
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I think you meant perception, not conception… but still, nicely written. I had forgotten what that whole experience was like, and you summed it up nicely.

05/25/2016 - 12:18 |
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On the Apex

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you :)
I actually meant conception. It reshaped the whole concept of driving for me. But after you said it, it might make the reader a little confused. Thanks for the heads up!

05/25/2016 - 12:20 |
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