2016 Honda Civic Type R (the Fn or Fk or ? it's confusing)

I wanted a toy-car but at the same time I needed to get to work, lucky for me Honda just had the car for the job.

And could somebody explain the complicated code names for type R cars, I don’t even know what to google when I realise I need a new fart-can for my honda.

I shall write a serious review soon, and you shall read it.

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Mike Katsaras

09/05/2017 - 01:22 |
1 | 0

Ohhh yeaaaaah quality stuff gotta love the new civic

09/05/2017 - 06:42 |
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Metrickzcz (Prelude Squad)

Its such a beaty <3 Yours is the Fk2

09/05/2017 - 12:14 |
1 | 0

Thank you sir.

09/05/2017 - 12:17 |
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French Freys

Niiice! That’s an awesome car &#x1F60A;

09/05/2017 - 15:46 |
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Jw Parsons

She does look good in white, I also prefer this Civic R over the new one, from a design point of view.

09/07/2017 - 18:39 |
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Awesome car!

09/07/2017 - 19:15 |
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